Archive for August, 2012


Back to School!

First of all, I wanted to say a great big THANK YOU to all of you who made the Tournament a great success!  I was so proud of everyone, not just for your martial arts skills, but also for the way you conducted yourselves at the event.  The competition was great, and I thought the Seminars were wonderful as well.  Way to go everyone!!!!!

A couple of notes as we head into September:

  • I’m certain it will be no surprise, but we will be closed on Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day. If you have a class that needs to be rescheduled for this date and haven’t already done so, let us know and we can take care of it for you.
  • There will be a slight schedule change for the Little Dragons Group Class on Sunday.  Click here for details.  All other classes will remain the same.
  • Please make certain to get any schedule changes you want to make done soon so you can get into a spot that works best for you.
  • For those that had asked about testing, we will be holding the next Kids test in studio on Saturday, September 8th at 1 PM.
  • Also, in extremely good news, we will be starting our Back To School special effective next week.  Any student that refers a friend (not a family member) that enrolls before 9/30/12 will receive a $100 credit towards their next month’s tuition.  Any additional family member that enrolls before the same date will get 50% off their enrollment.  How’s that for a great deal?

Thanks again and looking forward to helping you keep kicking through the school year!


Slight Schedule Change for Little Dragons

We will be making a small revision to the schedule for our youngest kids for the regularly scheduled Sunday group class.  Please note that effective Sunday, September 9th, the class will be held from 9:30 – 10:15 instead of its current scheduled time of 11:00 – 11:45.  For an updated complete schedule, please click here.


The Tournament

Hey everyone,

It’s getting down to the wire here and some of you are still not registered for the Tournament next weekend, so here’s a friendly push to get yourself entered!

I know that for some of you it will be impossible because you are literally out of the country. But for the rest of you, I sincerely hope that you will attend. Aside from the event itself, there is so much opportunity available that day. To meet other practitioners from the other schools. To meet some of Z-Ultimate’s best and brightest. To attend the Master’s seminars. To see your instructors and the demonstration teams compete. It is truly a day of seeing what is possible for yourself or your child.

I used to not be a big believer in Tournaments, mostly because I myself did not enjoy performing (still don’t, as a matter of fact). However, over the years I have been teaching, I have seen incredible things happen as a direct result of participating. I could tell you the story of the kid who used to be so shy that he wouldn’t even talk to me, but his parents made him compete in one and it changed his life, to the point where he went on to become a competitor at the National level. I could tell you the story of the woman who participated and it changed her life from one of constantly saying “I could never do…” to being one filled with possibility. I could tell you my own story about how I was so proud of myself for participating in a competition AFTER having my hip replaced (and for the record, I knew I had no shot at winning at that time, but I was able to say I did it, and against some really tough competition). Or any other of the literally hundreds of people that I have worked with (whether or not they won trophies) who were so happy with themselves that they had just gone out and competed.

And I guess that is one of the biggest reasons to participate: to feel that pride that comes from knowing you did your best when it counted. That you take pride in your school. The Tournament only comes around once a year, so take pride in yourself and your accomplishments and share it with hundreds of other people. Sign up for the Tournament. Do it now, because you know you will talk yourself out of it if you let it wait. I am counting on you.


Benjamin Thomas

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